Ryobi website displayed on a mobile device
Ryobi website displayed on a mobile device
Ryobi website displayed on a mobile device
Putting control into Canadian hands

Putting control into Canadian hands

From an unmanageable digital experience for the Canadian brand team to an updated presence with Canadian content, better for both the brand and its audience.


Increased agility for the Canadian team who gained control of their Canadian brand presence.

Ryobi website app displayed on a laptop screen.

Ryobi's website posed significant challenges for their Canadian brand team prior to Thrillworks' engagement. The legacy CMS in use was only directly accessible to the American team, hindering the Canadian team’s ability to manage and update the website effectively. Outdated content and a lack of synchronization with the Canadian target audience resulted in reduced engagement and unclear value.

Ryobi web app displayed on multiple screens.
Ryobi web app displayed on multiple screens.
Ryobi web app displayed on multiple screens.

To address Ryobi's challenges, we implemented a Canadian-first headless CMS which provided the team with the necessary tools to take control of the website, ensuring they could manage and update content efficiently. To enhance Ryobi's online visibility and increase overall traffic, we harnessed smarter SEO strategies, improved indexing and tailored the site’s optimization to the Canadian market. 

Ryobi’s Canadian brand team is now equipped to position its value effectively and respond to product updates and shifting brand priorities with agility.